Links to additional resources

North American Orchid Conservation Center
NAOCC was established by the Smithsonian Institution and the United States Botanic Garden to assure the survival of all native orchids in the U.S. and Canada.
American Orchid Society
Founded in 1921 to promote appreciation of orchids, the AOS provides educational information about orchid culture. It sponsors research & conservation initiatives to conserve orchids around the globe.

Missouri Botanical Garden
Mission: share knowledge about plants and their environment in order to preserve and enrich life; assume responsibility as a leader, mentor, advocate, and practitioner of environmental protection.

New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden is a world leader in plant research and conservation, using traditional & cutting-edge tools to discover, understand, and preserve Earth’s vast botanical diversity.

Flora of North America
A project of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Harvard University. All the orchids known to occur in the US and Canada are described in detail with distribution maps.

Jay's Internet Orchid Encyclopedia
This privately compiled project is the world's largest, single reference for orchids. It includes an image of 20K+ species and explains nomenclature, morphology and distribution.