Case Research Grant Program
The Native Orchid Conference (NOC) is proud to sponsor a research grant program in memory of Frederick W. Case, Jr. The purpose of the program is to support basic or applied research on orchids native to North America north of Mexico. The inaugural award was made in 2012 and the NOC will endeavor to raise sufficient resources to perpetually endow the fund.
University students, both graduate and undergraduate, are eligible. One (or more) grants will be awarded each year for projects in botanical or horticultural areas that are in keeping with the purposes of the NOC. The amount of each grant may be up to $2,500 and will be determined annually by the Board of Directors based on the merits of applications received and the availability of funds.
Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
Orchid systematics
Surveys of natural areas
Protection of endangered species
Horticultural research involving native orchids
Restoration of native species or habitats
Molecular research

Fred Case
For complete instructions CLICK HERE.
(Contributions may be tax deductible.)
Thank you for your generous gift!
​The Case Research Grant Program is managed by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee solicits and evaluates proposals, makes recommendations to the Board and manages the funds. There are two investment options and donors may indicate their preference.
Case Money Market Fund - this original fund was established in 2012 and investments are conservatively managed to ensure stability and security, thereby safeguarding the ability to provide crucial grants for student researchers.
Case Growth Fund - recognizing the need to expand support for native orchid research, this fund was established in 2024 as a result of a matching gift challenge. It employs a growth-oriented investment approach and aims for higher returns over time, thus amplifying funding capabilities for the program. A generous donor will match contributions to this fund (up to $5,000) on a 1:1 basis through July, 2025.
Fred Case, teacher and botanist, passed away on January 12, 2011. He was an internationally acclaimed expert on the North American Orchidaceae, Sarraceniaceae and Trilliaceae, and his enthusiasm inspired many to participate in our shared interest. An honored educator for four decades, Fred received numerous awards and recognition for his achievements. He was widely published and lectured extensively nationally and internationally on orchids, rock gardening and wildflowers.
Fred was associated with Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mt. Cuba Center, University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Longwood Gardens, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Committee on Endangered and Threatened Plants, Michigan Botanical Club, North American Rock Garden Society, Saginaw Valley Audubon Society, Saginaw Valley Orchid Society and Nature Conservancy. His book, Orchids of the Western Great Lakes, was a seminal work in regional orchid floras and remains the standard work by which all others are judged.