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Membership in the Native Orchid Conference is open to all who are interested in native orchids.


The Membership Year runs from January to December.   Annual Membership Fees:

  • $30 - Individual

  • $35 - Family

  • $15 - Student



1. Simply complete the form on the right and  click Submit Application.


2. Select membership type and click the payment button below to access PayPal. Use your PayPal account or credit card to remit membership dues. (Check out as Guest if you don't have a PayPal acct.)

Optional Method:


Download hard copy application here; complete the form then mail it with your check.

Membership Application

Native Orchid Conference, Inc.

Enter Membership Type

Please share information about your native orchid interest/ experience; indicate how you might like to participate (e.g. organize symposiums, submit journal articles, participate in conservation projects, serve on a committee etc.); also, please indicate how you first heard about the NOC.

Make your payment online now!

To prevent official NOC correspondence from being spammed add to your email contact list.

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Native Orchid Conference, Inc.

P O Box 2047, Boone, NC 28607 USA

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